
As Weteams’ design partner, our task was to create the entire product from the ground up. This involved thorough industry research and a step-by-step approach to crafting a user-friendly solution. Our goal was to design an intuitive platform that enables easy hiring of vetted freelancers or teams while providing a performance management interface for valuable insights into the team’s performance.



Services :

Website Development


Responsive Web App


Project Background

Weteams is a versatile platform designed to streamline the process of hiring vetted freelancers or teams from diverse backgrounds for your upcoming projects. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily post multiple opportunities and enlist the support of Weteam specialists to simplify the hiring process. Moreover, Weteams goes beyond just facilitating hiring; it also offers a performance management interface, providing valuable insights into your team’s performance. This comprehensive platform ensures a seamless and efficient project management experience.

The Challenge

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Find the Problem

We developed a keen understanding of the industry landscape and the competitive players involved. Consequently, we successfully formulated a clear problem statement that we aimed to tackle with the help of Weteams.

Simple Solution

Collaborating closely with the product team, we meticulously planned the different phases and set delivery dates for the product, ensuring a well-structured approach to its design.


Designing Flows and Wireframes
Once we understood the product and the problem it aimed to solve, we shifted our focus to the user’s needs. We began by defining the problem from the user’s perspective and creating user flows and personas.
  • In the initial phase, we concentrated on the client side. We designed user journey maps and flows to visualize how users would interact with the product step by step.
  • During this stage, we also conducted competitive research to study other products in the market and the features they offered. This helped us identify our target market and ways to make our product stand out from the competition.


Designing Interfaces & Experiences

Next, we moved on to wireframing the main pages of the product. During this phase, we went through numerous iterations because the more we designed, the more ideas kept flowing, and we had to set aside multiple versions of our designs.

  • After several rounds of iteration, we finalized a solution that underwent testing with various standards and real users. This helped us ensure the usability and effectiveness of our design.
  • Then, we delved into the visual aspect of the project. We began by establishing the foundation, which included defining the grid, spacing system, and selecting colors and typography.
  • For the primary colors in our palette, we opted for a bright shade of blue. This choice was intentional, as blue is associated with intelligence, trustworthiness, and success – which aligns perfectly with our vision for Weteams, where we aim to make every project a resounding success.

We choose Poppins as our primary typeface for the product

  • We designed a set of component libraries to create consistency across the product. After this, we designed an interactive high-fidelity prototype for the Weteams and product team.

Usability Testing


Weteams, as idea had already been shared with multiple clients during the research phase, which gave us a group of clients to test our product.


Following the testing, we identified a few loopholes and received valuable feedback from the clients based on their usage experience.


Taking this feedback into account, we carried out additional rounds of iterations to refine the product further.


Now, with the necessary improvements made, we were all set for a smooth handoff to the development team.


Laid robust groundwork for future product phases, ensuring growth.

MVP facilitated client acquisition and testing, expanding clientele.

Accelerated MVP development and testing within 3 months, aiding founders.


Project Handoff

Main factor that sets us apart competition allows deliver a specialist business consultancy service applies its ranging experience

Contact info

566/6, Bell Road, Society Area,
Clement Town, Dehradun, Bharu Wala Grant, Uttarakhand 248002

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